Denise finally talked me into just getting a room down below instead of trying the insane idea of driving back and forth. Anyway I loaded everything up and hit the road and made the short trip down there. I stopped by Samys on the way down - mainly because I got lost and I needed a point of reference to get back on track - and then made it to the hotel. So that is where I am now just waiting until I head back over to LA for the dinner. It sure sounds like it is going to be an exciting time! The weather is wonderful and the predictions are more of the same - so it should be good shooting weather for the outside stuff.

Well, just got back from the dinner! Pretty impressive. Very nice place and the food was amazing. Quite a few people where there too. It was really strange to meet people that I have been talking to online for the last few months. I feel a bit more comfortable now that I have gone through that. I still hate social things but it was good. The table I was at had Bobby, his wife and the models - so I am feeling a little bit better about his shoot. Right now I am schedule to be in Laurin's class tomorrow and I will get his advice on this. I think doing the thing with Bobby would probably be a good idea. Anyway I just got back - took about 1 1/2 hour to get there and about 25 minutes to get back - go figure - and I am
REALLY tired!
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