Well I made the trip up to Livermore without too much problems. It was a long and early trip, leaving at 0420 and getting there around 1030 hours. My mom and Max have been thinking about getting a trailer so we could all go camping together and they finally found a dealer for the pop-up trailer they were thinking about. So after a short pause I got back into a vehicle and we made the trek over to the Trail Manor dealer. I really thought the trailer would be a bit cheesy but it was really neat and folded out into a larger size trailer. I am not sure if they are ultimately going to order one, but if they do it will be really neat for all of us to meet up to go camping!
I spoke to Denise earlier today and everyone seems to be doing good. She did not go to the Poppy Festival today because the weather wasn’t really good for it and with me not being there it would be difficult to herd all of the kids around.
Anyway I am really beat and I am probably going to call it a day fairly soon! More to come tomorrow!
Thanks Denise for giving up not only your husband, but the Poppy Festival as well. I wish we could have come to your house and the Poppy Festival. Next year!
That thing looks pretty cool. It also looks roomy. And there is still the Tortoise Festival next weekend, such as it is.
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