Happy Easter everyone! Denise and the kids colored eggs today. She didn't find a coloring kit anywhere (they were all sold out) so she searched the internet and found instructions to make it. It turned out pretty good and everyone had fun. We haven't done the egg hunt yet and with the wind blowing the way it is we may just do it inside.

We did the coloring in the back room but before we could go back there we had to get our little feathered visitor out of there. This small little bird, not sure what kind it was, had flown into the back room and couldn't figure out how to get out. I ended up just opening the door more for him/her and ultimately it founds it's way out. I took bunch of shots and I happened to get one capture in flight, I was kind of surprised about that!

We decided to setup the LRS again and this time try a white background. I still have a hard time lighting a white background, I think I need another light. I ended up selling one of my Nikon SB800 so I think I should be able to buy another Alien Bee to help me with this type of shot. The first shot is just a really fun shot and I liked how it turned out. The second one really shows off Denise's new haircut. I think we both really like it and this might be something that Denise sticks with. At least now she is having fun with it and we both thing it looks good!
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