Well, Denise guess right tonight. When we went to bed she thought Devin was going to have a problem. Around 0034 hrs Devin woke up having a
VERY difficult time breathing. We gave him what we could (at that point) and then moved to the front door to get some of the cool night air into his system. That helped but at 0130 hrs he was still having problems so we moved the nebulizer and gave him a breathing treatment. It seems like things have stabilized for now and we are just watching him to see how he is doing. Devin did really well holding it together and didn't allow himself to really get upset. I think he really understands that if he can keep it together then it minimizes the chance for another ambulance ride. I must admit I did think we were heading that way...
Poor little guy! Thank goodness he is getting old enough to realize he can help with his treatment.
Devin was premature with complications so he does have asthma and has physical muscular problems mainly with his legs (he walks with canes). For a while it seemed like every year we doing the ambulance thing with a stay in the hospital but during the last two years he has been able to keep calm and keep his croup attacks under control (I guess you could call it that). Makes it really fun to be a parent at times!
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