Well , things did not turn out as expected today. After we got moving this morning we got word from Jax that she was not going to be able to drive out here today. As it turned out her husband's family had already scheduled their time for today. I know, can you believe the nerve of family? I mean it isn't like they have been out of the country for 8 months and just got back to the states for a quick visit... Oh ya, thats right never mind... Anyway, with my work schedule turning crazy now I am not sure if we will be able to meet up. There is still a a chance, just not really good now.
As a result we didn't really do much today except watch movies and hang around the house. Denise has been watching
Searching for Bobby Fischer. She really likes that movie and rented it again from
Netflix. We also went watched
The Matrix which was fun to watch again.

Devin and I also had the opportunity to break out one of his Christmas presents. He is always talking about building things so Denise found this cool kit that includes a treasure chest, tool box, and shelf unit. Devin was really excited about doing this and we (Denise and I) had thought it would be something he would be able to do himself. As it turns out it was
MUCH more complicated that we thought it would be. Anyway he was a good helper and provided the necessary nails and such as required and he did hammer a few nails. Really it was pretty much a pain to put together and I was having a hard time with it. But in the end we did finish it and he has been moving his new treasure chest around the house looking for "treasure" to put in it.

Deanna was in a pretty good mood today. It is really great to watch her different reactions. Today she has not really gotten to upset. But considering that she has her big Devin is always there to watch over I can't blame her for being happy.

Well Denise grabbed my camera and snapped this image as I was finishing up the blog. Once I was done and checked out the picture I thought it would be cool to add this image to today's entry.
Wow what great pictures. I really loved the last one with Deanna sitting in her little chair looking at the computer screen. Sorry about not getting to hook up with Jax - maybe it will still happen.
Where did you get that neat little paperweight you have on your desk. Can I have her? Mom
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