Friday, January 13, 2006

Missing blog entries...

I am not really sure why but I haven't had the chance to update the blog for the last few days. There are various excuses that I could use but I can really think of any right now. Well, back on Wednesday Denise took Desirae to her first trip to Chuck-E-Cheese with the "Mom and Me" group. Desirae was really excited about going and was looking forward to it all week. At one point Denise wasn't sure if she was going to go but in the end decided to load everyone (minus Devin, he was in school) up and and headed into town. Desirae was really excited to tell me all about it when i got home from work.

Today was also Devin's IEP (not really sure what it stands for). It is kind of like a parent teacher conference on steroids. The went over everything that has been going on and the progress that he has been making. Fortunately he has been making progress and on the reading front has moved from like the bottom reading class to I think it was the middle to top class. The recurring theme in the meeting was that when he WOULD work he did well but that they had a hard time keeping him focused. The short version of this is that he is doing pretty good and is fitting in well with a normal class and this is not any jeopardy. We have some new ideas to try with him at home and we offered some ideas for motivation for him at school.

I should get a call from my friend Jax tomorrow morning so hopefully we will be able to chat for a little while. She also has a trip schedule to fly in from London to Southern California for a couple of weeks so we SHOULD be able to meet up at some point. We haven't quite figured out the logistics of that but I am sure we will figure something out.

There is absolutely no news on the land modification. I still have to draft my letter this weekend and get it into the city before the council meeting. I still think this is going to be a lost cause and I am really not looking forward to that construction. Hopefully we will have some impact and maybe they will modify the plan a bit and make it work out better for everyone. I will keep you posted as more information comes available!


At Saturday, 14 January, 2006, Blogger Donna Rae said...

Hey - IEP means Individual Education Plan. Hopefully Devin will get the idea how important education is.


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