On our way home from town tonight we saw something that looked a bit odd at first. An arc of light in the night sky. Once we looked at it a bit more, with it raining and the moon pretty bright out, we saw that it was actually a rainbow. I pulled off the road and got out the camera. This shot was taken on the hood of the car with a little mini tripod I keep in my bag. It was pretty neat to see but shortly after I took the first shot the misting stopped and the moon went behind some clouds. I did take the other shot back toward town while waiting for the moon to come back out. It was pretty neat and I would have never even thought of a night rainbow before.

We decided to try and load everyone up in the Murano for our town trip. Amazingly enough we were able to fit everyone in the car, but it wasn't very easy and I doubt it is something we will do again. Maybe if we had some smaller booster seats it might be easier but the biggest problem is getting Deanna in and out of the car. But at least we proved that we can in fact do it and we made the trip into town in the Murano - which I never thought we would be able to do. It kind of just re-enforces the van idea at least until the kids are mobile enough to get in and out of the car themselves.
That is an AWESOME shot! I would never have thought of a night rainbow - very cool you got it. Glad the Murano made the trip - tight squueze.
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