Friday, April 16, 2010

Late visit...

My mom and Max came down to visit and celebrate the kids birthdays.  Schedules have really been a mess and the last time they were supposed to come down my mom had a problem with her hand and ended up in the emergency room.  So this weekend was the make-up trip.

So the plan for tomorrow is Max and I are going to head down to Los Angeles to "visit" Samy's Camera and maybe Film Tools.  Denise, my mom and the kids are going to spend a day in town (Lancaster/Palmdale) and do a bunch of different things like see a movie (not sure which one), go to Build-A-Bear and visit Best Buy to buy a couple of video games for the kids.

Max brought down her Alien Bee AB400 because I wanted to play with the lower power settings of the flash to see how low I could get the light output.  I tried to photograph Cali (our cat) but she only stuck around for one shot and then freaked out.  So I ended up photographing a stuffed animal.  Then I wanted to play with this really cool 20ยบ grid-spot that max picked up for me so my mom volunteered to model so I could play with that.  It was all pretty darn cool!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and it should be a pretty good day all the way around!


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