Friday, March 19, 2010

Going through Aaron's photos...

I started the long process of going through my print and digital images of Aaron tonight. I was able to find around 100 images of him throughout the years with the earlier ones being prints that I had to scan. Someone has volunteered to create a memorial board, for lack of a better term, and hopefully these images will help fill in some gaps in that project.

I think over the last few days we’ve been able to occupy our minds with the daily grind of life which has served everyone here well to keep us from dwelling on the current situation. Obviously when you are going through images and pulling all that information together it really brings everything back… I think when my brother Daren and I did a complete multi-media show it was easier because we were so focused on pulling it together that there really wasn’t much time to sit back and think about the gravity of the situation. There was also the reality that my grandmother was, well, a grandmother and had an extraordinary life. I think everyone is still having a real difficult time grappling with the fact that Aaron was only sixteen and how quickly he was taken away.

Denise’s brother Brad and his wife Libby arrived today from their very long car trip. When I asked Brad where they stopped/slept the answer was (if I remember correctly) “I slept for an hour someplace along the way”. Needless to say they are beat. Tomorrow, or well technically today, Denise’s brother Gene flies in and I’ll pick him up. When we all get back to the house then we’ll load up and head over to Michelle and Fred to spend more time together as family.

Above I generated a slideshow out of the images that I sent off for printing. I truly wish I had more images and I’m still kicking myself for not taking more over the years but at least I have what I do and Denise had a good collection of prints.


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