Shuttle Ferry Flight...

My timing was a little off and I really barely made it. When I drove onto the base I could see the shuttle taxiing and I still had a ways to go to get to the spot I wanted to photograph it from. When I finally got to the spot and got out of the truck the 747 was prepared for take-off and was revving up its engines. So I got out of the truck and QUICKLY grabbed my camera and threw on a lens and started shooting. Fortunately everything went well and I got some pretty nice shots of it leaving. I also did something that I don't normally do and that was to lower the camera and just watch what was going on in front of me. It really was an impressive site.
The one thing I did do for Devin (and everyone else) was to set up the DVR to record the NASA channel (that darn DirecTV iPhone app is cool!) so when I got home everyone was able to sit down and watch it depart on TV.
I also happened to meet up with my friend Tom Van Langenhoven who was also coming out to the base to watch/photograph it leaving - but he got delayed and actually missed taking photographs of it. I did buy him a coffee to help drown his sorrows! Actually it wasn't that bad - he at least got to watch it while he was driving - he was just too far to really do anything photographically.
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