Denise got a call earlier in the week letting her know that "they" (why are they always called "they") are planning a birthday party for her ailing grandmother. Initially she wasn't planning on going because the short notice but considering the circumstances I think it is one of those things you just have to do. Denise decided to make a throw blanket for her and has been working on it for the last couple of days. She is making good process and I think she will be good to go. She doesn't leave until Thursday so there is still time. She is going to flight into Tulsa and meet up with her brother and mother. Going Thursday will give her all day Friday to spend with her mother (she took the day off) and then she will drive up with her brother. Even if the planning of the birthday party is not real organized the opportunity to see her again will mean a lot to Denise and hopefully her grandmother.

On another note Devin and I are now sick. I drove him into town today to urgent care and he is now on some antibiotics. I am actually feeling better so I think I am good to go. He hasn't been feeling well over the weekend and today his throat was bothering him. He should be good in a couple of days though!
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