Build a Bear, again...

From there we made a quick stop at Camping World and then headed home. It was a pretty good day and my drugs were working pretty good so I felt a bit better today!
Tomorrow is Devin's real birthday and we are just doing stuff here at the house. Denise is going to make his requested dish, which escapes me right now, and will make him a cake and such. It should be a pretty good time and I think he will like what she (we) got for him! So there will be more from that tomorrow!
But first, have you ever lost something and you just can not remember what where you put it or where it might be? I have lost the cables that came with both of my Pocket Wizards. The one that allow me to connect them to my camera or speedlite. Generally this isn't a bit deal because I don't use them in that manner but I have had a need to trigger my Nikon SB-800 from the pocket wizard and I can not figure out where the cables are. I can't even find the darn boxes for the things. Again it isn't really something that was that important to me - but now that I need them it is driving me crazy. I am going to tear through some other spots tomorrow but I am coming up at a loss... I just hate it when my mind refuses to show me where I put them. There is a chance that someone moved them, but after I found my keys/ring/keyfob in the gun safe I think more than likely I did something with them... Oh well...
UPDATE: I found one of the cables! Now if I can just find my missing Airport Express I lost months ago...
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