Sunday, November 11, 2007

I tried to get out more and shoot something today and it didn't go to well.  On my first frame my Nikon D70 decided to bit the dust and the display just went "Err" after releasing the shutter.  After trying to do a soft reset, hard reset, switched batteries, switched lenses, basically anything I could think of I finally just gave up.  Fortunately my D70 isn't my "main" body but it was still frustrating that the first frame of the day was a disaster.  The reset of the day was pretty good and I am pleased with what I got.

So today the plan is to do things around the house. We have some clean-up type of things we had needed to do for a while so today will be the day. Maybe we might even try some more photography but I am not sure. Anyway more to come...


At Monday, 12 November, 2007, Blogger Donna Rae said...

Wow - sorry to hear about your D70. Do you know what is wrong?


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