Surgery Day...

From there they performed some verification measurements to load into the computer, prepped Denise for surgery and then got her in the surgery room. It all went pretty darn quickly. I did take some pictures during surgery (as much as I could watch) and some throughout the morning. You can find them here!

Because her prescription and correction was so large it took over a minute to do the correction on each eye and as a result her recovery is going to be much longer. As it stands right now she has to wear these very attractive skying goggles to keep anything from touching her eyes and she can not rub her eyes for three months.
The amazing part is her eye sight is pretty darn good right now. She is able to read things on the computer screen and the back of boxes which she could only do before with her glasses or if she got the item about two inches from her face.
On another interesting note - we had a huge wind/dust storm at home. The worst possible thing right now is dust and crud in the air and that is what we have right now. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow but it was horrible today. There were times when I was driving home that I had to turn on the hazzards and slow down because I could no longer see the road or any of the cars behind or ahead of me. That isn't comfortable on a normal day - but when we are worried about getting dirt and dust in Denise's eyes it's even worse. Fortuantely she slept nearly the entire 2 1/2 hours home or at least with her eyes closed.
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