Tuesday, August 01, 2006

New hair day...

Denise and Deanna got their hair cut yesterday and it didn't go very well. Actually Denise's hair turned out good but the lady did a really bad job on Deanna. I am not sure what the deal was, if it was that she was moving or something, but it is crooked and just doesn't look right. Denise tried to get back in today to see if she could get it fixed, but the lady is not at work today and won't be back until Thursday. However, Denise is taking the kids to my mom's on Thursday so she won't be here to do it.

Deanna is also getting in her top front teeth too. So that explains why she is in a bit of a mood the last couple of days. She is really fun and is moving around a lot. Hopefully she will be good while we are on vacation next week. Either way it should be too bad because she is a lot calmer than the other two!

My first image has been accepted into Stock! I guess it just takes a week for them to do anything because they have not reviewed any of my other images. At least I can stay that I have a 100% acceptance rating! :) I doubt that I will be able to maintain it. Either way it was cool to have my first image accepted. I do not really expect anything "sales" up front, but it sure would be nice if there was!

I finally got in to see a doctor about those not-so-good moles today. It was a bit frustrating with amount of people that were there but I got in and he took care of them. I get the impression that if they were odd looking he would have set me up for appointment when he would have gotten back from vacation, but he didn't like the looks of them and wanted to get them off now and get them checked. So now I just wait for a telephone call if there is anything "wrong" with them. I still have a few more appointments to get from my physical it has just been slow going...


At Wednesday, 02 August, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, this is the first I have heard about moles, what's going on?

At Thursday, 03 August, 2006, Blogger Brad said...

I'm with "Mom," relieved that you got something done about the moles. I'm sure there will be no bad news. Have a good vacation next week.


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