Well I said yesterday that I wanted to setup the living room studio again and I got around to in later in the day. The entire thing started out as a shoot to take some portraits of Denise and turned into a family portrait session. It was kind of funny really because it started with Denise, then Desirae got into the shoot, and then Devin wanted to get into it. Ultimately we took the above shot with everyone in it. I ended up using the remote and self timer (at 2 seconds) to make the shots.

I also made this photograph of Denise wearing my wedding ring around her neck. I may have mentioned this once before but I am not really a jewelry person and as such I don't wear a watch or necklaces. I started wearing a wedding ring a few years ago when I moved into management and accepted the fact that I don't get to do technician work anymore. Even with that I only wear my ring when I leave for the morning and take it off when I get home.
Well we did more yard work today and I fixed, at least I think I fixed, the sprinkler system in the back. The valves were leaking and the control solenoids were pretty bad on a couple of them. I ran everything through a cycle and all seemed to work good. Now I just have to check the area tomorrow to see if it has turned into quicksand. If that happens then I will have to dig everything up (again) and figure out which pipe broke this time.
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