Thursday, February 02, 2006

I know...

...lets reload the Mac OS from scratch! I mean it isn't like there is ANYTHING else to do around the house! Boy, what in the world was I thinking. I thought that maybe Mac might benefit from a fresh reload of the OS so I decided to give it a go. The only good thing is I put back in the old drive into the iMac and went from there - so if this entire process BOMBS I still have the last long on the other drive. So far it is going OKAY but it has been a bit stressful. The last time I did this, when I updated to Tiger, everything went really smooth and the Apple backup program was WONDERFUL with the restoration. Well, this time I didn't use the Apple backup program and used SilverKeeper instead. It is working, but it is no where near as elegant as the Apple software (duh). So now I am downloading all the patches and installing all the software. I still haven't done Office but I have Photoshop on the system and I am downloading the updates for iPhoto now so I should be completely back up and operational soon. I just hope that everything on Denise's side works and nothing is clobbered there!


At Friday, 03 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure if Denise's side is messed up the only thing clobbered will be the one sitting in front of your computer. Mom :)

At Saturday, 04 February, 2006, Blogger Donna Rae said...

I could not have said that better:)

I hope all works well on BOTH sides!


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