Saturday, February 11, 2006

Devin's Birthday Party

Today was Devin's Birthday party, his actual birthday was yesterday. So he invited Gabby and her sister Andrea and Richie over. This was a bit smaller than last year but it was still a lot of fun. Nana and Max came down on Friday night so they were here too. Denise also took an idea she got from Jennifer about getting a long sandwich and stuff from Albertson's so we did that and picked that up today. I think we were worried that we wouldn't have enough food, but we have a lot of stuff left over so it worked out very well!

Devin made out like a champ on the presents and got a bunch of stuff. I can even remember everything he got. Though he and Nana did stay up quite late playing his new Scooby-Doo XBox game. I even played it for a bit until I made myself sick (which didn't take long) so it seems like a pretty good game.

So tomorrow Nana and Max are leaving and they are taking Desirae with them. So Desirae is going to have her own little vacation and then they will bring her back for her birthday party. Desirae has been looking forward, and talking about, this trip for weeks (maybe months) now. I think she is going to have a lot of fun there. Plus next year Desirae will start school so this is the year to do this while Devin is in school.

We are still talking about buying a travel trailer and we might go back into Bakersfield to take another look at the one Denise liked. We have not completely decided to do it yet, but we are seriously leaning that way. Like I said (I think I said) Denise has wanted to start doing this for a long while now (actually she has wanted to camp since we got married) so I think this just might be the way to make it happen.


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