It'll be fun! So here's the deal, I ordered 3 things from B&H Photo; a Domke quick release camera strap, Domke compartment insert (for the camera bag), and a white balance card. All the stuff came in today and it was packaged with those neat air filled packing protectors. Denise thought it would be fun to have Devin (and then Desirae) try to pop the things. Off Devin went trying to make it pop.

He tried everything. Beating it. Laying on it. Kicking it. Poking it. I even tried to help him to no avail. I mean these darn things just wouldn't pop. I did FINALLY get one to go but it was a major effort. Desirae even got into the action and there was nothing she could do either. I am not sure if you have ever played with those air packing material but OMG they are strong.

I was playing with the camera today (Nikon D70, not the F3HP) practicing with manual focusing. The biggest problem I have is with the focusing on this camera. It is hard to remember to focus with sensors and when things start moving it is really hard to keep the right thing in focus. Both Devin and Desirae were VERY helpful in this and I used them to work on trying to see if I could actually manually focus the camera.

Since the viewfinder isn't really setup for that it is kind of difficult, but I did pull it off a couple of times. Devin was the most helpful on that and I think I got a few good captures out of the deal. I was also playing with the white balance card and it seems to have worked pretty good.
Denise went to a
Mom and Me meeting so the kids and I were left to fend for ourselves. At one point I thought all was lost and the mission would have to be abo... Wait a minute, that's a different story... Anyway so they played, I played, and we took pictures. Can beat that!
LOL about the closing of your entry for the day!
I have never tried to break one of those bags, but you KNOW I will have to try the next time one comes in a package.
Good pictures!
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