Today after work, and a quick trip through Mojave to pick up a replacement camera body sitting at the UPS location, we did a studio shoot. We have had some ideas for some Christmas photographs and we were able to set it up and make it happen. It was a bit rushed which make tensions very high but out of 240 images I have what I think are 15 good stock shots. It has been a LONG while (like months) since I have done a shoot like this or uploaded a series of images so hopefully I am not too rusty. Even though Devin didn't want to be apart of the main shoot he did want to have his photograph taken and I got a nice capture of him and Denise.
The only real bad thing was that Deanna snuck into the other room, grabbed my $900 12-24 wide angle lens, took off the rear cap, scratched and finger the rear element and brought it out to us... I am not sure if I can clean up the damage but I finally just gave up on it... Oh well, I suppose it's only money...
I hope you can fix the damage - tough lesson.
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