Nana and Max came down for the kids early Christmas because they will not be able to get here on the actual day. So, once again, they made the long trek down from Livermore for a weekend trip. Devin and Desirae were very excited to see them even despite the idea of potential presents!

I honestly believe the best part of Christmas is watching the kids and their reaction to everything going on around them. Both Devin and Desirae were
VERY excited about opening presents and even Deanna was getting into it, although I do not really think she understood what was going on.

Devin has already played his new Xbox (not Xbox 360) game and started building his Sponge Box Lego set. Desirae has also been playing dress-up (I haven’t had a chance to photograph that yet). She really loves the Sponge Box pink pants that Nana and Max got her too. She has been carrying the darn thing around with her ever since! It is a pretty good size so I imagine it will be around for a long while! Deanna has been enjoying her new presents as well but the really funny thing is that Desirae plays with her little scooter and she plays with Desirae's guitar! Go figure!

The kids also wanted to get Nana and Max something so they picked out (with a little help from Denise) Okaland Raiders Christmas hats… That should work out well for their family gathering next weekend – where all of Max’s family root for a different team!
We had such a good time! Well worth the long drive.
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