Gene's Visit

It was really GREAT that he made the time to come out here. It was VERY special for Denise! The really funny part about this is that a few months ago she had started talking more about Gene and wanting to connect with him more so it was really great that he just out of the blue called and said that he wanted to come out. I probably should elaborate on this a bit, Gene NEVER calls so when he did it kind of freaked Denise out because she thought that something was wrong. She was EXTREMELY EXCITED that the call was to setup coming out here. The really neat part is that Gene said that he was going to see his sister one way or another - and if that meant he had to bring her back to Oklahoma he would have. I thought that was pretty cool!
The only "issue" if you could call it that is he didn't realize where we lived in comparison to the airport, we are about 2 hours away from it, and he was really concerned about how far it was and how much of a problem it is to get here. The thing is we are so used to driving EVERYWHERE around here that 2 hours doesn't seem to us to be that big of a deal.
It was great getting to meet Gene and I am glad Denise had the time to visit with him while we had the kids.
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