We ventured out to the Tortoise Days festival at the park. Generally it isn't that great but there were a lot of people there today. We talked Devin into walking around for a bit. It was really great to see him cruising around. It wasn't a lot and he used his canes most of the time but it sure was a great feeling to see him doing it outside the house. A few people who had heard about it from school came by to say hello and how great it was that he was walking without his canes. As a pre-celebration Devin wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese so we headed back into town today for that. As one would expect on a Saturday it was a zoo, but the kids had fun!

Deanna just kind of hung out the entire day and stayed pretty happy in her stroller. Toward the end of trip around the park she did finally start to get a bit upset but that was after being there for a while and dealing with it fairly well.
Wow! Great to see Devin walking around outside. Glad you guys had a good day.
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