Monday, March 27, 2006

Backup woes...

Well, since I re-replaced the hard drive in the iMac I haven't run a backup on my pictures so today I decided to re-run my archive program thinking that it would just start where it left off. It didn't work out that way. Instead it DELETED ALL of my previous libraries and replaced them with my 2006 archive. Needless to say I am not too happy about this. The only good thing is that I was also running a weekly archive of my images and I had another copy of everything on my other external hard drive. So I don't think I actually lost anything. However I won't be sure until the copy is complete and I get a chance to inspect the data that I do have. I need to order another 250GB external drive so I can have enough space to store everything. Right now what is killing me is the 2005 67GB archive. That is just SO big I can't put it on any of the other drives that I have. So far my burn rate shooting JPG is much less and with the 3659 images I have it measures in just under 9GB.

Anyway the point of all this... Backup your data and make sure you have multiple backup copies...


At Wednesday, 29 March, 2006, Blogger Donna Rae said...

Yikes! I do keep backup CD's (most often) and I am backing up everything now.


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