Well, today was our decompress day and we just stayed around Gene and Cindy's house for the day. Denise's mom came over to hang out too. So for the most part we just played around the house. The only problem with the day was when we set off the fire alarm on the house. Unfortunately we didn't know how to turn it off, we didn't know it was connected to a alarm company, we didn't know that the alarm company was going to call, we didn't know that the alarm company would call the fire department and we didn't know there is a "hefty freakin fee" associated with it... Pretty much a downer all the away around and now we just have to find out how much it is going to be so we can get Gene and Cindy the money... So far, with the blown tire (which I haven't fixed) and now this - the trip is really turning out to be expensive...

Okay, now on a more positive note I did get a good amount of practice time in and some impromptu lessons from Jeff and Gene. It was pretty cool to get a chance to see some other folks who really know how to play and to be able to ask some questions and get some good answers. I got some new things to practice and spent a bunch of time playing on the guitar.
So tomorrow the plan is, again, to stay around the house while Denise and her mother go galavanting Tulsa and checking out some things they have planned for the last couple of months. The kids and I are going to stick around here and I am sure there will be some cartoons, running around, video games and probably some more guitar playing. I am not sure if I am going to be able to the tire fixed tomorrow - but if I can work it in I'll do that too.
OBTW - one last thing, Deanna is starting to get sick...
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