Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekend flop...

Well, we had some grand plans for the weekend! And everything flopped... I took Friday off thinking that we would head out to go camping on Friday. We didn't plan on spending the entire weekend but probably at least until Sunday. Well, the weather had other plans and messed that up. So we gave up on the camping thing. We did go into Bakersfield for a quick trip to get some clothes for the kids and we had a movie night at the house but otherwise we stayed around the house with the exception of a Desirae and Denise trip into town and a solo trip I made to return that effects processor.

I didn't even make any photographs this weekend... Oh well...

Tomorrow we head down to Children's Hospital for an appointment for Devin. So hopefully that will go well. Will be a long day, like all Los Angeles trips are...


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