Hanging out...

I, on the other hand, had the ordeal of getting the tire fixed. I took the van back to the Wal-Mart that I bought the tires at last year and after nearly 6 hours I was finally on my way back home. I REALLY didn't except to be sitting a Wal-Mart for that long. But, at least the tire is fixed and it is one less thing that I have to worry about or deal with. It did kind of put a damper on the entire afternoon though. I was really expecting to do something besides sit at Wal-Mart all day!!! Oh well...
Yesterday Gene, Jeff and I made our way to the Tulsa Guitar Center where I bought a Boss Dr. Beat DB-30 metronome. So for the last two days I have been practicing with that and I think it has help tremendously. I remember reading one of the instructors on Jam Play saying that metronomes slow down - I didn't get it at first but now I understand. What seems like WAY to fast after a bit of practice and patients is easier and seems slower. It's pretty bizarre...
Yes. Good to see you guys and see Gene's all in the same shots. Woo-hoo. Itchin' to come see you guys (schedule hasn't permitted), or you to come over this direction (schedule cleared for that). Glad to hear that you are learning some guitar from some of the best.
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