18 years...

I REALLY wanted to make some photographs this weekend and for the most part everything fell apart on that too. So, on the way back when the sun was going down we pulled off the freeway to make some late afternoon portraits. The sun is a bit harsh but I liked the shots...
On the previous topic - there is no information on services for Rosie. It appears that her husband is reluctant to have any and considering the circumstances I can only imaging how hard it must be for him. Everyone that knew her is VERY upset with the entire situation. The only good thing, if you can call it that, is that the guy was booked for murder 1 and has a $1M bail. So hopefully he will stay in jail and can be tried for a potential death penalty case. Although it does seem like the guy was a mental patient and it will probably go down that way... I am still VERY angry about this...
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