Today a group of the guys from work headed out to Bakersfield for Rosie's funeral/wake. It was a pretty somber and frustrating part of the day but I think we were all glad that we went. From Edwards Air Force Base Rob, Randy, Mike, Prince, John, Ken, Christine, Clint and his wife went. Nasa was represented by Rich, Greg and his wife and then Andy from China lake came out. Bill Tremmel from Pt. Mugu and the LAS Spectrum Manager also came over. The circumstances really are weighing hard with everyone and no one deserves to have to go through that. Both Greg and John spoke and I was really glad that they did as it wasn't something I could do. Afterwards there was a really nice reception where everyone had an opportunity to talk and visit with the family. Ultimately the family is going to transport Rosies ashes back to Hawaii for her actual funeral. Rest assured as more details become available I will blog about them...
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