We were playing around with the studio again today and I grabbed this capture where Deanna was twiddling on Denise's sleeve. The control of the lighting with both lights is really nice. I do need to figure a better way to increase the ratio of light to the background (without Photoshop) but that is going to be more complicated. Generally for these blown out white background shots you use separate lighting for the background and subject. Either way I really liked the control I had with the 2nd light.

The entire concept of this shoot was to first check out the new light, and second to capture Denise's new knitting she is working on. She has been working on this poncho and having a lot of fun doing it. It seems like she makes her most progress on it when we are driving into town. She
did did it quite a bit yesterday while we were on the road. I don't quite understand what it is going to look like when it is done - but so far it looks pretty cool. You can find all the pictures
For some reason Devin wanted Deanna in the bath with him today. I think he wanted a more interactive "toy". Denise stayed right in place to make sure she didn't drown. They both seem to have fun though. So I guess for the most part it was a "fun" weekend... Hmmm, will have to think about that some more! Speaking of that, Devin tore apart his Lego ship and rebuilt it yesterday. I was
VERY impressed and he only asked for help on a couple of little areas. He stuck with that for hours yesterday, when we got home. As a treat we "camped" out in the trailer last night.
Wow I like the white background pictures! Wonderful picture of Denise and I REALLY like the picture of her hands knitting!
I like the twiddle action shot. That is pretty perceptive on your part.
Holy smoke, that thing has really grown. I have never been able to do the double wrap around the first finger. I think it's because you were originally a chrochetter. Looking good, and the stitches look even too. Mom
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