New bibs for Deanna

Since I have been off my feet for the last couple of days because of my back I decided to work on the 2005 yearbook that I have been putting off. I went through and quickly selected some 700 images for possible inclusion and copied them over to the MacBook to start working on the book. It went much quicker than I thought it would have and I think I am just about complete. I am doing some final editing and correction on it and I might send it out in the next week or so for printing. Hopefully it will turn out as well as the last book did.
It looks like we have a blogger victim. When Denise surfed over to Gran's place her blog was deleted and all information removed from the web. I am not sure what happened and hopefully it was by choice that she dropped her blog. I definitely know how much work it takes to maintain one of these things but it was sad to see her site go. Denise and I both enjoyed reading about what was going on and her grandkids. So hopefully she continues to visit this site and maybe if she does one again she will let us know!
I am sorry to see Gran's House go - I like her pictures!
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