Max and Nana made a really nice dinner for everyone including tritip and portobello mushrooms. Kathy and Paul came over as well which made it a complete family affair. I also am envious that Max has family so close and that they are able to spend so much time together. Anyway the food was wonderful and it was great visiting with everyone.

Deanna has been dealing with all the attention very well and hasn't mind all the people and dogs around. As usual she has been pretty good and hasn't gotten to upset about much, except for the time that Nana tried to bite her finger off. All fingers are still accounted for and other than a bit of a cry spell no lasting damage occurred. It was just a bit of bad timing all around!

After dinner the plan was to head back into town and try to take some photographs of the fountains in the center of town. I didn't take too many but what I did take turned out pretty cool. When I get more time I will process the rest of them and get them online. I was able to accomplish what I had envisioned. I wanted to capture the water flowing and the night lights around the area. I was also really surprised at how well the D200 handled the scene.
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