So basically everything fell apart this weekend on photo shoots. I did have a good time with Tom yesterday but everything I had planned to do was canceled on me. First somehow Nick and I were on different pages and he was thinking Sunday and I was thinking Saturday. So then I figured, no problem, we shoot on Sunday. Since I had an early morning shoot planned at the castle on Sunday I figured I should connect with Nick in town instead of here. But, toward the end of Saturday I got word that everything at the castle had turned blown up and the morning shoot was off. So this morning I awoke without a real plan as to what was going to happen. I setup incase Nick showed up, but that didn't happen. Since I had everything setup I figured I would play around with some guitar photographs. These didn't turn out exactly the way I had in mind but it was good practice. I tried to talk Devin into coming out, but he wasn't in the mood for it. Desirae has been sick so she wasn't game either.
So, like I said I ended up with guitar pictures... Oh well, now I have to figure out when I can reschedule with Nick and try again!
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