Okay, so here’s the deal, when we first moved into our house we have a major rabbit problem in both the front and back yards. We tried many different things to resolve our rabbit problem but the only thing that really worked was dealing with the critters with extreme prejudices. In other works I went after the little grass eating & pooping machines with a pellet gun! This action resolved our rabbit problem and there were very few rabbit droppings in the grass. Well, fast-forward to today, and I have run out of pellets (I need to get A LOT MORE) and we have been overrun with rabbits. I mean there are rabbits everywhere! We have rabbits in the front, in the back; in the bushes they are everywhere. So I have to figure out a way to deal with these darn varmints and get them out of here! Rest assured if my front yard turns into the beaches of Normandy I will not post any pictures!
Duane, you are too funny. Maybe I should start sending you dog droppings - maybe the rabbits would smell the dogs and decide to go play somewhere else. An outside cat? They sure are cute from where I sit.
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