So, they are on their way...

Well, it finally happened, the kids have left with Nana and Max for their 2-week vacation. Everything went very well and there were no dramatics at all. To make sure everything would be okay we loaded up the kids in Nana and Max’s car and met them at McDonalds. Again, like I said everything went great and they were good about it. Denise and I are handling it well too. This is the very first time that we have been separated from the kids and it is very strange to not have them around.
So, the kids are en-route and we are taking a break to really decide what we are going to do. Tomorrow we have to take the van into Bakersfield to drop off at the dealer so they can install the new tether strap anchors. We haven’t completely decided what we are going to do. The plan right now is going to be to wing it though we might just head over to the coast tomorrow. Again we are going to play it by ear!
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